Welcome to the Authors’ Club

Do you want to write a book someday but thinking about it kind of makes you want to freak out? Join the club! The Authors’ Club that is. We provide education, community, and emotional support for aspiring authors. Yes, emotional support. That’s because headspace matters when you’re writing a book. 

You need to feel inspired, confident, and hopeful. That’s the foundation for making progress. And that’s what this club will give you. 

From there, teaching you how to become a better writer is the easy part. And we’ll do that too. 

Join us! And don’t forget to bring your book baggage. We’ll help you unpack it.


Welcome to the Authors’ Club

Do you want to write a book someday but thinking about it kind of makes you want to freak out? Join the club! The Authors’ Club that is. We provide education, community, and emotional support for aspiring authors. Yes, emotional support. That’s because headspace matters when you’re writing a book. 

You need to feel inspired, confident, and hopeful. That’s the foundation for making progress. And that’s what this club will give you. 

From there, teaching you how to become a better writer is the easy part. And we’ll do that too. 

Join us! And don’t forget to bring your book baggage. We’ll help you unpack it.


Watch This Video!

Watch This Video!

Join the Authors’ Club

  • Biweekly livestream writing sessions: Kickstart your productivity by writing alongside other aspiring authors! It’s a fun and social way to get words on paper. 
  • Biweekly “Ask Me Anything” group coaching sessions: Get access to book writing and marketing experts who will answer your questions and provide valuable insight. 
  • Community: Connect with peers who understand what you’re going through! Build a powerful support network for cross-promotions. 

This club will pay for itself in the time it saves you, and you’ll see meaningful progress and results faster than writing by yourself.


Experience the joy of writing.


It’s time to sprinkle a little fun onto your writing routine! Don’t have a writing routine? No worries—we’ll give you extra sprinkles.

We’re all about helping you find joy in the process. It’s time to think of writing as a creative escape where you can explore new ideas, connect with likeminded people, and discover a little more about yourself. 

The Authors’ Club is here to encourage you. We’ll help you hold space for developing your writing craft so that you can create something you’re proud to call your own. Whether you want to share your professional expertise in a how-to book, pen a memoir, or dabble in writing shorter pieces, we’ve got you!

Experience the joy of writing.


It’s time to sprinkle a little fun onto your writing routine! Don’t have a writing routine? No worries—we’ll give you extra sprinkles.

We’re all about helping you find joy in the process. It’s time to think of writing as a creative escape where you can explore new ideas, connect with likeminded people, and discover a little more about yourself. 

The Authors’ Club is here to encourage you. We’ll help you hold space for developing your writing craft so that you can create something you’re proud to call your own. Whether you want to share your professional expertise in a how-to book, pen a memoir, or dabble in writing shorter pieces, we’ve got you!


“It's nice to know if you have a question someone is out there to help you. You feel like you’re not alone.” - Member of the club

The Authors’ Club will help you:

  • Gain clarity on what you should write about
  • Go from feeling stuck and confused to feeling inspired and confident
  • Get accountability by time blocking your writing
  • Become a better, faster writer
  • Save time and money by focusing on what matters 
  • Build a support network to cheer you on


Hi, I’m Amelia Forczak…

Throughout my 15 years of writing and working with hundreds of writers I know how hard and scary it is to take an idea, put pen to paper, and get it published. 

But it doesn’t have to be!

Through my experience I have learned how important it is to have a community and professional support while writing. That’s why I launched the Authors’ Club. To give writers like you, who want to get their story out there, an affordable way to enjoy the process and reach the finish line so they can hold their incredible book in their hands and share it with the world.

The Authors’ Club is the perfect solution if you've been meaning to get your thoughts on paper but haven't made the progress. 

I started this club because there are so many people out there who want to write a book, and they need a little support. It’s a big project and it can feel scary, but it doesn’t have to be that way. 

I’ve been writing books for almost 15 years, and I can tell you it’s so much better when you have a community to support you. 

Our group is small but mighty! I always look forward to our biweekly chats and writing sessions because everyone is super encouraging. 

If you've been meaning to get your thoughts on paper but haven't made the progress you've hoped for, join us! We would love to have you in the club!

- Amelia Forczak, New York Times bestselling ghostwriter; Founder of Pithy Wordsmithery & the Authors’ Club

Hi, I’m Amelia Forczak…

Throughout my 15 years of writing and working with hundreds of writers I know how hard and scary it is to take an idea, put pen to paper, and get it published. 

But it doesn’t have to be!

Through my experience I have learned how important it is to have a community and professional support while writing. That’s why I launched the Authors’ Club. To give writers like you, who want to get their story out there, an affordable way to enjoy the process and reach the finish line so they can hold their incredible book in their hands and share it with the world.

The Authors’ Club is the perfect solution if you've been meaning to get your thoughts on paper but haven't made the progress. 

I started this club because there are so many people out there who want to write a book, and they need a little support. It’s a big project and it can feel scary, but it doesn’t have to be that way. 

I’ve been writing books for almost 15 years, and I can tell you it’s so much better when you have a community to support you. 

Our group is small but mighty! I always look forward to our biweekly chats and writing sessions because everyone is super encouraging. 

If you've been meaning to get your thoughts on paper but haven't made the progress you've hoped for, join us! We would love to have you in the club!

- Amelia Forczak, New York Times bestselling ghostwriter; Founder of Pithy Wordsmithery & the Authors’ Club

"I spent YEARS thinking of book ideas, writing down chapters in my notes app, but I never made any real progress until I started working with Amelia. Her knowledge and support helped me get clarity on what to write about and made the process simple enough to finally finish my book and I am so excited to publish it this winter! It’s literally a dream come true."
- Krissy Chin | Business Coach and Author of Sell While You Sleep

Of course, we didn’t forget the bonuses!

When you enroll now, you’ll get access to:


Value $149

Mini Course - So you want to write a book?

When you sign up for an annual membership, you’ll get access to our popular mini course for free. It’s the perfect way to kickstart your journey to authorship and make the most of being in the club.


Value $29

Chapter Tracking Template

We would be lost without this template. We use it for every single book we ghostwrite, and it’s essential for staying organized and on track. Available when you sign up with the monthly or annual plan.

Join now! Pick your payment option:

No need to grab your calculator, I've got mine right here! The total yearly value of this offering is $406, but you can enroll today for a special investment of $197.

Or join on a month-to-month basis for only $19 a month.


Annual payments of $197

  • One-year membership to the Authors’ Club
  • Chapter tracking template
  • Bonus course: So you want to write a book?
  • Save $31 paying annually instead of monthly


Monthly payments of $19

  • Month-to-month membership to the Authors’ Club
  • Chapter tracking template



Want to dip your toe in but not ready to commit? Join the free version of the club. We’ll send you a monthly newsletter with exclusive insights on writing, publishing, and marketing. Upgrade at any time to get access to the live writing sessions and Ask Me Anything group coaching sessions.

I’ve got you covered

With a monthly membership, you can cancel at any time. No contracts. No questions asked.

See terms and conditions for the full refund policy.

Writing a book is a major accomplishment. But that doesn’t mean it’s an unrealistic goal. Thousands of new books are released every single day by authors just like you. They are busy, motivated individuals who have a good idea they want to share. They aren’t geniuses. Many aren’t even particularly good writers to start. But each one did have something special: perseverance.

At the Authors’ Club, we make the book creation process easy and fun, so you stay motivated and don’t give up. It’s time to finally get that book out of your head and onto a bookshelf. It’s not an overnight process, but anything deeply rewarding is worth working for.

Over the past 12 years, we’ve helped many authors get across the finish line—and we can’t wait to help you too!

Curious to know more about all the ways we work with authors? Check out our main website.

Have a couple of questions before you join the club?


Let’s address the most common questions, shall we?

Join now! Pick your payment option:

No need to grab your calculator, I've got mine right here! The total yearly value of this offering is $406, but you can enroll today for a special investment of $197.

Or join on a month-to-month basis for only $19 a month.


Annual payments of $197

  • One-year membership to the Authors’ Club
  • Chapter tracking template
  • Bonus course: So you want to write a book?
  • Save $31 paying annually instead of monthly


Monthly payments of $19

  • Month-to-month membership to the Authors’ Club
  • Chapter tracking template




Visualize how good it will feel to finally hold YOUR book in your hands. To take your career to the next level, boost your thought leadership, and make more money. To finally DO THE THING instead of just spinning your wheels.

This is not a pipe dream. It’s something you can accomplish.